Saturday, April 5, 2008


So let us know what you think about the new blog layout! Thank you so much Hilary of ScrapBlog Designs! We're really excited about the new look. You did a great job!

Also wanted to share another "Ta-Da" moment that the Tipton family shared today. This was in the form of a new recipe. I'm generally a fan of the break-n-bake cookies, but sometimes I like making a batch from scratch. If you have some free time then we all recommend the Best Big, Fat, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie.


Unknown said...

So, I didn't even know there was a website called all recipes! How fun! I've added it to my favorites now, even though (as I'm sure you can imagine...) I never follow a recipe :-)!

Nancy H. said...

Hi all -

I LOVE the look of the new blog! Does this mean you're going to be blogging more? =) Hope all is well in TN! We are almost all settled in, I've been having some braxton - hicks recently so I am trying to slow down a bit. Benjamin is doing great, he desperately wants to walk but is a speedy crawler. We miss you all!!

Anonymous said...

Clint would be so sad to hear that you think that a choclate chip cookie other than his own would be so good to you.
I miss you all so much! Please give me a call when you have time. I've got eight weeks until Lottie is due!
Love you!